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Certified Organic, Non GMO's all in One SUPERFOOD Nutrition
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Sprouting ~ why is it SO Good for You.
Germinated seeds have a much greater concentration of valuable minerals, trace elements and vitamins than those that are not germinated.
Make a paste from Marshmallow root or slipperly elm mixed with hot water.Spread it onto the affected area and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off with an infusion of comfrey. Comfrey leaves also make a wonderful facial wash and will promote the groth of new tissue.
Make a rice-flour poltice and apply it to the infected area. Eat plenty of asparagus, which helps promote the elimination of toxins through the urine and it is also considered a tonic because of its high amino acid content. Drink the water of the asparagus after it has been steamed....
Beetroot was used by the Romans to relieve fever, but it also stimulates the immune system and helps to clear the blood.... Drink the juice of cabbage, which contains anti-bacterial properties, to promote healing, and eat plenty of watercress, whichh contains sulphur.
Dandelions are a fantastic detoxifier of the liver, kidneys, blood and tissues... Use a tincture of dandelion roots for eczema or acne.
Just a wee tip! Cinnamon is good for your health in lots of ways for example ~ Cinnamon is good for your digestion and a very good reme...
FOREVER ARCTIC SEA Provides the essential Omega 3 fatty acids that are often missing from our modern diets, including a uniquely high leve...
Did You Know? Unripe tomatoes contain a substance called solanine .... If you eat too many unripe tomatoes on a regular basis it can m...